Milton Friedman - Greed

ObamaCare Slams Employers, Retirees

Withdrawal of tax breaks for drug coverage for retirees is hitting some companies hard:
A Credit Suisse report estimates that S&P 500 companies face losses of $4.5 billion. Towers Watson estimates the total corporate hit will reach $14 billion this year, unless employers renegotiate union contracts and reduce retiree benefits.

Norman Leboon, Accused of Threatening to Kill Rep. Eric Cantor, Donated to Barack Obama's Presidential Campaign

The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

Freedom of thought is the worst enemy of the totalitarian state.

Half the Newly-Insured Under ObamaCare are Headed for Medicaid

As she began a punishing regimen of chemotherapy and radiation, Mrs. Vliet found a measure of comfort in her monthly appointments with her primary care physician, Dr. Saed J. Sahouri, who had been monitoring her health for nearly two years.
She was devastated, therefore, when Dr. Sahouri informed her a few months later that he could no longer see her because, like a growing number of doctors, he had stopped taking patients with Medicaid.
Dr. Sahouri said that his reimbursements from Medicaid were so low — often no more than $25 per office visit — that he was losing money every time a patient walked in his exam room.

10 things from the the progressives not conservatives
1. Once reform is fully implemented, over 95% of Americans will have health insurance coverage, including 32 million who are currently uninsured.2
2. Health insurance companies will no longer be allowed to deny people coverage because of preexisting conditions—or to drop coverage when people become sick.3
3. Just like members of Congress, individuals and small businesses who can't afford to purchase insurance on their own will be able to pool together and choose from a variety of competing plans with lower premiums.4
4. Reform will cut the federal budget deficit by $138 billion over the next ten years, and a whopping $1.2 trillion in the following ten years.5
5. Health care will be more affordable for families and small businesses thanks to new tax credits, subsidies, and other assistance—paid for largely by taxing insurance companies, drug companies, and the very wealthiest Americans.6
6. Seniors on Medicare will pay less for their prescription drugs because the legislation closes the "donut hole" gap in existing coverage.7
7. By reducing health care costs for employers, reform will create or save more than 2.5 million jobs over the next decade.8
8. Medicaid will be expanded to offer health insurance coverage to an additional 16 million low-income people.9
9. Instead of losing coverage after they leave home or graduate from college, young adults will be able to remain on their families' insurance plans until age 26.10
10. Community health centers would receive an additional $11 billion, doubling the number of patients who can be treated regardless of their insurance or ability to pay.11

What People Outside the Beltway Think

 2010 Census
My race is "American"
By Michelle Malkin • March 9, 2010 10:47 AM
Mark Krikorian is fighting back against Census form race politics
and urging you to do the same:
Fully one-quarter of the space on this year's form is taken up with
questions of race and ethnicity, which are clearly illegitimate and
none of the government's business (despite the New York Times'
assurances to the contrary on today's editorial page). So until we
succeed in building the needed wall of separation between race and
state, I have a proposal. Question 9 on the census form asks "What
is Person 1's race?" (and so on, for other members of the
household). My initial impulse was simply to misidentify my race so
as to throw a monkey wrench into the statistics; I had fun doing
this on the personal-information form my college required every
semester, where I was a Puerto Rican Muslim one semester, and a
Samoan Buddhist the next. But lying in this constitutionally
mandated process is wrong. Really — don't do it.
Instead, we should answer Question 9 by checking the last option —
"Some other race" — and writing in "American." It's a truthful
answer but at the same time is a way for ordinary citizens to
express their rejection of unconstitutional racial classification
schemes. In fact, "American" was the plurality ancestry selection
for respondents to the 2000 census in four states and several
hundred counties.
So remember: Question 9 — "Some other race" — "American". Pass it on.

Taxing the Internet in Colorado
I advertise my driving business in many areas. I spend alot of $ each month advertising.
Our Colorado Legislature just put into effect HB-1193 which imposes sales tax on online retailers.
No other state has these rules.
Now I can no longer advertise with Amazon because they refuse to participate in Colorado's plan.
Here is the mailing I just got from Amazon.
Thanks alot to our Tax crazed Governor Ritter and Democrat assembly

Dear Colorado-based Amazon Associate:

We are writing from the Amazon Associates Program to inform you that the Colorado government recently enacted a law to impose sales tax regulations on online retailers. The regulations are burdensome and no other state has similar rules. The new regulations do not require online retailers to collect sales tax. Instead, they are clearly intended to increase the compliance burden to a point where online retailers will be induced to "voluntarily" collect Colorado sales tax -- a course we won't take.

We and many others strongly opposed this legislation, known as HB 10-1193, but it was enacted anyway. Regrettably, as a result of the new law, we have decided to stop advertising through Associates based in Colorado. We plan to continue to sell to Colorado residents, however, and will advertise through other channels, including through Associates based in other states.

There is a right way for Colorado to pursue its revenue goals, but this new law is a wrong way. As we repeatedly communicated to Colorado legislators, including those who sponsored and supported the new law, we are not opposed to collecting sales tax within a constitutionally-permissible system applied even-handedly. The US Supreme Court has defined what would be constitutional, and if Colorado would repeal the current law or follow the constitutional approach to collection, we would welcome the opportunity to reinstate Colorado-based Associates.

You may express your views of Colorado's new law to members of the General Assembly  and to Governor Ritter, who signed the bill.

Your Associates account has been closed as of March 8, 2010, and we will no longer pay advertising fees for customers you refer to after that date. Please be assured that all qualifying advertising fees earned prior to March 8, 2010, will be processed and paid in accordance with our regular payment schedule. Based on your account closure date of March 8, any final payments will be paid by May 31, 2010.

We have enjoyed working with you and other Colorado-based participants in the Amazon Associates Program, and wish you all the best in your future.

Best Regards,

The Amazon Associates Team

Sex, Violence and Hate: the Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conservative Women

Sex, Violence and Hate: the Top 10 Most Disgusting Attacks on Conservative Women 
As Women’s History Month begins, a look at how the media treated conservative women in 2009.

By Colleen Raezler Culture and Media Institute March 3, 2010

March is Women’s History Month, in which we acknowledge the accomplishments and contributions of women in history and in society today.

But for a select group of women – conservative women – their accomplishments and contributions are rarely celebrated but often demeaned and mocked in sexist – and crassly sexual – ways.

The Culture & Media Insitute looked back at what the media had to say over the past year about some of today’s most prominent conservative women, including Michelle Malkin, Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Sarah Palin and Liz Cheney, and compiled a list of the 10 worst attacks on these women who dare to speak out in favor of conservative values.

Much of the criticism was the worst sort of misogyny with a dose of violence and disgusting adolescent sex references thrown in for good measure. The media outlets in question ranged from Playboy magazine to MSNBC to Sirius XM radio and included comments from both men and women.

The message that rang through loud and clear was that perspectives from conservative women were not appreciated or welcomed, and if a woman stepped out of line, she deserved whatever treatment she received.

Here is the top 10:
1. Playboy’s Hate List
2. Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi Uses Graphic Sexual Language to Discredit Michelle Malkin and the Tea   Party Movement
3. U.S News and World Report’s Bonnie Erbe Takes Issue with Playboy List – Except for Inclusion of Michelle Malkin
4. Keith Olbermann Compares Michelle Malkin to a ‘Mashed-Up Bag of Meat With Lipstick on it”
5. Comedian Chuck Nice Compares Sarah Palin to Herpes
6. Toronto Star Columnist Tweets a Death Wish for Michelle Malkin
7. Sarah Palin = Vice-President Barbie?  
8. Rosie O’Donnell ‘Humanized’ Conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck
9. David Letterman’s “Top Ten” List of Sarah Palin Insults
10. Liz Cheney, Daddy’s Little Girl?