1 infographic, 5 million jobs

Here's an interesting mail I got today. Just to let you know what they're up to.
I probably got this mail because I subscribe to MoveOn.org
No I didn't click on the link near the bottom, I was afraid of getting cooties.

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: 1 infographic, 5 million jobs
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 2011 19:57:00 +0000
From: Natalie Foster, Rebuild the Dream <info@rebuildthedream.com>
Reply-To: info@rebuildthedream.com
To: RonInColorado <lee2sherm3@gmail.com>

Rebuild the                         Dream
Dear RonInColorado,
Last week, the Contract for the American Dream hit the floor of Congress in a new bill--the 99% Act. The Contract's plan for fixing our economy, crafted and endorsed by hundreds of thousands of Rebuild the Dream members, is now a real piece of legislation.
But the ins and outs of bills in Congress are complicated and it's not easy for any of us to remember and try to explain it all to our friends and family. So our great designer put together this useful infographic that spells out exactly how the 99% Act will help turn our economy around.
Click here to take a look and share it with others:
The 99% Act Infographic
The 99% Act would create 5 million new jobs in two years, raise taxes on Wall Street and millionaires, add a public option to the Affordable Care Act, and much more.
It's up to us, however, to spread the word and build support for passing the 99% Act.
Share the infographic by clicking here:
Thank you.

–Natalie, Van, Billy, Jim, Ian, Somer, and the rest of the Rebuild the Dream team.

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