Muslims want to build an Islamic Cultural Center in Katy, TX
One of the key things I see is not the legality or constitutionality of whether or not they have a legal right to build the Islamic Victory Monument at the site of their victory on 9-11. It is purely the absolute nastiness and ugliness of the Muslims in general as being neighbors. Every country they have immigrated Islam into, they have begun subverting the culture, and as their numbers grow, they become more confrontational and aggressive.
A particularly nasty group of Muslims wanted to build such an Islamic Cultural Center in Katy, TX in the Houston suburbs. They bought the land in the semi-rural area where livestock was still permitted. They had barely broken ground when they started complaining about the cattle and horses on the property next to theirs. They picked on the WRONG man, who was a Vietnam Era Vet and had an attitude. He countered with complaining to them about their proposed sound system that broadcasted the Islamic Call to Prayer 5 times a day, and said since he was a Christian, that it offended him, and he demanded they eliminate it from their plans or at least keep the volume low so it wouldn't violate his property! They left in a huff and returned a few days later with a lawyer.
He did a little more zoning research and found that he could raise PIGS on his property, legally! He then decided that he would follow their Islamic calendar and on every holiday, would hold public Pig Races and a good pork BBQ event!!!! Perfectly LEGAL, but he only returned the neighborliness that was extended to him by the Muslims. Dan'l, a good friend of mine and fellow Southern troublemaker, and I were going to sponsor a pig that would be trained to race. The Pig Races are a Texas State Fair tradition and are very entertaining. But alas, seems that the Warriors of Islam had a change of heart about the location of their Islamic Cultural Center!
I would LOVE to see the Southern Pork BBQ Hall of Fame and cultural Center in NYC across the street from the Cordoba House Islamic Victory Monument! It could be the very Embassy of the South with the magnificent African-American BBQ pit Masters guest cooking in the restaurant and holding seminars on the finer points of BBQ'ing the noble and beloved Swine!
BTW... did you know the significance of the name Cordoba House? Cordoba, Spain was conquered by the Muslims in the 1200's and the Catholic Cathedral was reduced to rubble and a Mosque was built on the ruins of the cathedral! Interesting, isn't it? Muslims have a thing about building on top of conquered nations' symbolic places. Know what the Dome of the Rock is sitting on? Solomon's Temple and the former home of the Ark of the Covenant among other Christian and Jewish relics. Hey, folks, it's all legal!
The moral of this story is that we need more real Texans weighing in on this mess! We'll straighten out these people, post haste!
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