Government entitlements are the problem

I'm a big believer that entitlements are one of the main problems with our economy. Government granted entitlements. Everyone deserves some. A little here a little there till everyone has their hand in the pie. That is why Democracy will fail and we will no longer be a Republic. Medicaid is failing, Social Security is failing, medicare is too. how can we expect the government to operate the biggest entitlement of all, in a nationalized health care plan? More and more entitlements. I can't help but think about perhaps some of my own entitlements. Like a decent road, a close fire station, cops all around, infrastructure, like sewer, water and electricity. Are those Entitlements? I suppose not cause I help pay for them with taxes and I don't have my hand out expecting them for free. What about all the retired and disabled military? They deserve it don't they? I'm thinkin' perhaps the military, active and former are the only ones deserving of entitlements. The rest of you with your hands out expecting the government to fill it with my tax dollars, forget it, go the church pantry.


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