Government Health care?? I don't think it would be a good idea for many reasons.
One of the arguments for it is that the cost of our health care is high and keeps going higher. Well yeah!!!
Now let's look at the reasons for that.
First of all is big government intervention, like all the freakin' paper work that's required to remain in practice. A form for this and verification for that, A doctor has to add a few extra people on staff just to complete the paper work properly. Secondly is the insurance, my god, in this sue happy culture we live in a doctor has to have millions of dollars in insurance.
Thirdly the HMO's became the middle man between the insurance companies and the doctors, you know their going to get their share.
Now that's three main reasons for increased cost of medical coverage.
Do you think the doctors are going to absorb those costs???
Hell no, that cost is being past on either to the insurance companies or the government (in the case of our failing medicare and medicaid programs).
These programs were put in place by the Democrat led Congress and Senate.
Now they want to put more of the same expensive, failing policies into effect and into play.
Do I believe they'll succeed? NO!!
But unfortunately they will gain a bit more of a foothold and move their progressive agenda further towards attaining that goal.
Just a little bit at a time till it's accomplished. Patients will win out.
Socialized health care reform
Labels: bureaucracy , Democrat , entitlement , extremist , federal , government , health care , medicaid , medicare , Obama , political , social security
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